An all-rounder that will handle any situation. Whether in groomers, powder, tracked-out terrain, or in the backcountry, enjoy the full-rail carving in all condition. This board is the most echoed from users all around Japan and is probably the hidden standard board of Gentemstick. It is the most recommended board for any rider thinking of switching to Gentemstick.

1626 mm
Running Length
1124 mm
1190 mm
Nose Width
298 mm
Waist Width
255 mm
Tail Width
283 mm
Sidecut R.
9200 mm
-40 mm
7.5 mm
Sidecut Dep.
21.5 mm
4 mm
Stance Width
510-590 mm
Front Foot
Rec. Stance
510 mm
Rear Foot
(w/o tax ¥169,000)
The color, design, and specifications may differ from the actual product and are subject to change without notice.



The idea of traditional camber is to apply the same amount of pressure onto the entire edge of a board to attain smoother, more stable carving and turning.

The camber arches from the center of the board all the way to 3 cm inside of the widest point of a board, both the nose and the tail. To turn, this camber has to be stepped on and the bottom pressed against the surface. This type of camber is effective at a resort, compacted slope or on a flat face. But it has lots of demerit on deep powder, fresh snow, or terrains with three-dimensional features. It is arched against the direction of the board, and the board could get hooked on the snow easily, making the turn less agile.

The GENTEMSTICK’s radical Accel camber eliminates hooking and prevents nosedives in deep powder or fresh snow, while maintaining a natural floatation. It is designed and shaped to perform its best when the rider stands neutrally on top of a board. It is made flat from the widest point of the nose side to about the front foot. The arch begins there and reaches the highest around the back foot, and it ends at the widest point of the tail side. When a rider stands on the board, the arch gets pushed and the area ahead of the front foot barely touches the snow.

This is the position that maximizes the performance of the board, and also the same position that reaches maximum velocity in ski races and other speed competitions. Accel camber has an arch from point A to point B. The board becomes flat as the back foot pressures the board. It rises slightly from the point C to the nose, which effectively reduces snow resistance. There are boards with similar camber designs released from major manufacturers these days. It is important to remember that the nose rocker design becomes very important with this kind of camber system, which has the peak of its arch placed further behind the center of a board. The GENTEMSTICK Accel camber boards are distinctly designed, especially from the point where the camber ends to the widest point of the nose. The key is to reduce resistance.


ぬまけん / 尾瀬 片品 / ガイド

福島 / 会社員 / 群馬エリア
きれいな圧雪面を滑ることももちろん楽しいですが、主に非圧雪を含むエリアを滑る時に出番がやってきます。ツリーに苦手意識があるので、非圧雪を滑る時には不安要素があるなら「荒れた面でも対応力のあるBABY MANTARAY」。状況が良いと分かっているなら「浮力がありターンを楽しめるTT160」を選んでいました。が、私はフラットキャンバーの自由さが好きなので、BABY MANTARAYの対応力とTT160のライン取りが同時に欲しいと思っていました。実はFLOATERの購入は二度目で、FLOATER161の白が限定で出た時に購入していましたが当時は思ったようにしっくりこず、やっぱり体格が板に合っていないんだと手放してしまいました。以降、FLOATERは視野に入ることはありませんでしたが、今のFLOATER162は前のFLOATERと違うから大丈夫。ということで選択。先行者のトラックが残っていたり多少面が荒れていても、何事もなかったかのような走破性。ツリーの中でも思った所で素直にターンが切れ、ツリーが開けた所では全力でRが描ける。スピードを落としたい・加速したい時にきっちりスピードコントロールでき滑りたいラインだけに集中させてくれる。安心して滑りを預けられる心強いナビゲーター、そんな印象です。

Chris Yeh/USA/180cm /76kg /10US M
This is the first Gentemstick I have bought, I demoed it before purchasing it in soft spring snow. This board turns really precisely, I think it is easy to control with the mellow camber, also kind a good entry board to get into gentemstick boards. The size also feels just right for me, I usually ride 158 for park boards. I really enjoy this board on anything, except for extremely firm condition .

ワンダー/日本/179cm /80kg /28.5cm

とげぞー/日本/170cm /65kg /25.5cm

カナタロウ/日本/174cm /65kg /27.5cm

yasu/日本/175cm /65kg /26.5cm

painmountain/日本/170cm /65kg /26.5cm

ハイエース乗り/日本/172cm /89kg /27cm

ジョージ/日本/179cm /70kg /28cm

hirohonda0609/日本/175cm /70kg /27cm

イダッチ/日本/170cm /60kg /25.5cm

dachan/日本/170cm /65kg /26.5cm

モト/日本/181cm /60kg /26.5cm