Although the shape may look rather radical, the riding is smooth and easy whatever the surface condition is.Whether in deep and heavy snow or in tracked out daily slope, the "Acceleration Camber" will thoroughly bring the potential of the board in action. The Speedmaster is a masterpiece within the history of Gentemstick and became the go-to board for many of the legendary riders in Alaska and Europe's big mountains.

1720 mm
Running Length
1114 mm
1320 mm
Nose Width
300 mm
Waist Width
250 mm
Tail Width
296 mm
Sidecut R.
8000/7600 mm
-20 mm
2 mm
Sidecut Dep.
25 mm
2 mm
Stance Width
520-600 mm
Front Foot
Rec. Stance
520 mm
Rear Foot
(w/o tax ¥189,000)
The color, design, and specifications may differ from the actual product and are subject to change without notice.



The idea of traditional camber is to apply the same amount of pressure onto the entire edge of a board to attain smoother, more stable carving and turning.

The camber arches from the center of the board all the way to 3 cm inside of the widest point of a board, both the nose and the tail. To turn, this camber has to be stepped on and the bottom pressed against the surface. This type of camber is effective at a resort, compacted slope or on a flat face. But it has lots of demerit on deep powder, fresh snow, or terrains with three-dimensional features. It is arched against the direction of the board, and the board could get hooked on the snow easily, making the turn less agile.

The GENTEMSTICK’s radical Accel camber eliminates hooking and prevents nosedives in deep powder or fresh snow, while maintaining a natural floatation. It is designed and shaped to perform its best when the rider stands neutrally on top of a board. It is made flat from the widest point of the nose side to about the front foot. The arch begins there and reaches the highest around the back foot, and it ends at the widest point of the tail side. When a rider stands on the board, the arch gets pushed and the area ahead of the front foot barely touches the snow.

This is the position that maximizes the performance of the board, and also the same position that reaches maximum velocity in ski races and other speed competitions. Accel camber has an arch from point A to point B. The board becomes flat as the back foot pressures the board. It rises slightly from the point C to the nose, which effectively reduces snow resistance. There are boards with similar camber designs released from major manufacturers these days. It is important to remember that the nose rocker design becomes very important with this kind of camber system, which has the peak of its arch placed further behind the center of a board. The GENTEMSTICK Accel camber boards are distinctly designed, especially from the point where the camber ends to the widest point of the nose. The key is to reduce resistance.


Hiromi / ニセコ
その名の通り圧雪バーンでのスピードと安定感が一番気に入ってます。 走破性は一番ですが、タイトなツリーは苦手。大きな斜面をかっ飛ばしたい時には迷わず選ぶ一本。

SORA/日本/170cm /67kg /26.5cm

Aiqbal/USA/5”8feet /160lbs /10US M
I bought my second speedmaster this past summer from gentemstick. The speedmaster loves to do big turns on powder or groomed runs with amazing accuracy and precision. The board feels solid and even though its 172cm it does love speed but is dialed in for tight trees or soul turns.A trusty companion for me through the years through catskiing across Japan, US and Canada

うえ/日本/173cm /90kg /26.5cm

ジョージ/日本/177cm /61kg /27.5cm

青タイツのギアマニア/日本/165cm /77kg /26.5cm

Hide/日本/178cm /67kg /27cm
持っているのは2005-2006年モデルですが、雪面という不自由な環境の中で自由を与えてくれる板 バックカントリーでは10kg以上の荷物を背負うからこれくらいの長さと浮力が私には最適。パウダーでは、浮力があるのはもちろんの事、浮心の位置が自分のベストなライディングの際の重心と丁度リンクする為、後傾にならずにどっしりと踏んでいける。ピステンでのキレッキレのカービングターンも、パウダーでのサーフライクなボトムターンのようなディープなターンも違和感なく出来ます。スワローテールは溜まった力を抜くのに最適で、スプレーを巻き上げたり、ポンピングしながらのターンを可能にしたり、縦の動きを可能にしてくれる。自分はセットバックした位置にバインディングをセットして、テール側の有効エッジを短くしておく事で、ズラしの操作制を上げておきます。そうする事で、板の取回しが楽になり、タイトなツリーランも短い板同様の操作性で難なく滑れます。結果、どうな雪面コンディションにおいても最高の1本、私を自由にしてくれる板です。

名乗るほどのものではない/日本/169cm /58kg /26cm

osu/日本/178cm /77kg /29cm

tky/日本/180cm /60kg /27.5cm

たっくん/日本/183cm /95kg /28cm

りりっぴ/日本/169cm /58kg /26cm

FB/Niseko/181cm /70kg /10US M
Great when it's deep. Super fast base. Makes riding deep pow very easy. Balanced riding position - nose usually surfaces when you screw up.Great in open steep terrain and deep tight tree runs. Very easy to control.Not very good in chopped up lumpy powder or firm chopped up ofpiste. Can ride but pretty hard on your ankles due to the big Nose.A perfect pow board for the deep days but not a daily driver.

Karen/Russia/171cm /77kg /43EU
This is the board i've been recommended by Domi at Niseko showroom. I was hesitant to buy it because of the nose shape (thought it would push the snow) and overall outline of the board (too linear, hard to turn). How wrong i was!My previous boards were swellpaniks, powfinder and genten big fish.The Speedmaster is now my main board because of several factors:- light yet with unreal stability at mach speeds! (tested it in heli ski)- very easy to control, the length is a non-issue (closet board of that size was swellpanik twinzer but harder to turn because of much stiffer flex pattern)- amazing turn initiation in deep powder + you get that awesome spray size if you want :)- on piste it is of course excellentThis thing LOVES speed and yet remains very agile at low speeds...Simply the best!