T.T 160



Gentemstick flagship's generational shift. The original TT model was designed in 1989, when snowboarding was still in its jibbing era's prime.

Its tail's sidecut and the tail-rocker got modified in 92, and revived in 98 using high response yet lightweight core. Some more modification has been done on the shape of the line from the nose-rocker to the flat camber in order to minimize friction, as well as flattened the tail-rocker to make the board more performing during high-speed riding. Finally, changes to the fiberglass and the basswood sublimated the TT model into its current shape.

Although the 247mm waist may sound a little narrow compared to the general mainstream boards, its classic design silhouette has remained the same. This new TT160 has been resized to improve maneuverability and match the present environment, such as improvement of riding skills, change in the snow quality, modification in boots design and amelioration of board manufacturing quality.

T.T 160
1600 mm
Running Length
942 mm
1138 mm
Nose Width
287 mm
Waist Width
257 mm
Tail Width
280 mm
Sidecut R.
11500/10500 mm
-33 mm
3.5 mm
Sidecut Dep.
15 mm
0 mm
Stance Width
480-560 mm
Front Foot
Rec. Stance
520 mm
Rear Foot
¥143,000(w/o tax)
The color, design, and specifications may differ from the actual product and are subject to change without notice.



When riding in powder on traditional cambered boards, the nose drags snow due to its own camber system and eventually would sink into snow. To prevent it from nosediving, the rider is forced to lean back and turn only with the tail. This phenomena also happen in three dimensional terrain. Like when making a non-gravity turn at the top of a wall, the traditional camber turns convex “against” the terrain, forcing the edge and the rail to go in a different direction than the targeted line. Once again, the rider is forced to lean back or turn using the edge, restricting the freedom of riding.

This restriction is silly to have on boards for complex terrain. This camber system came from the skiing know-how. We’ve adopted it and refined it to match our flat camber system in order to allow freer maneuverability in complex three-dimensional terrain. The weightless sensation when making a top-turn, and resistance-free riding, especially late in a turn, are the distinct characteristics of our flat camber system.


ヒデ / 長野 / スキー場関係者
ttのフラットキャンバーの踏み心地、エッジの切り替えしがまさにsurfingとリンクする所が最高です。またHAPPO BANKSなどでttで滑るとより深いボトムターンが出来てより楽しめます